Gin, licor Alkermes, limão siciliano, xarope de morango e espumante brut. / Gin, Alkermes liqueur, Sicilian lemon, strawberry syrup and brut sparkling wine.
R$ 55,00Whiskey Jack Daniel's, suco de maracujá, xarope de morango, pimenta e limão siciliano. / Jack Daniel's whiskey, passion fruit juice, strawberry syrup, pepper and lemon.
R$ 54,00Rum Branco, suco de cajá, shrub de manga e limão tahiti. / White Rum, cajá juice, mango shrub and lime
R$ 42,00Gin, licor Alkermes, limão siciliano, xarope de morango e espumante brut. / Gin, Alkermes liqueur, Sicilian lemon, strawberry syrup and brut sparkling wine.
R$ 55,00Whiskey Jack Daniel's, suco de maracujá, xarope de morango, pimenta e limão siciliano. / Jack Daniel's whiskey, passion fruit juice, strawberry syrup, pepper and lemon.
R$ 54,00Cachaça branca, limão tahiti e rapadura. / White cachaça, lime and rapadura.
R$ 36,00Rum branco, banana, limão tahiti e xarope de banana. / White rum, banana, lime and banana syrup.
R$ 42,00Gin, Infusão de hibisco, casca de laranja e água tônica. / Gin, hibiscus infusion, orange peel and tonic water.
R$ 55,00Gin, suco de maracujá, xarope de gengibre, manjericão e água tônica. / Gin, passion fruit juice, ginger, basil syrup and tonic water.
R$ 51,00Tequila, triple sec e limão tahiti. / Tequila, triple sec and lime.
R$ 52,00Rum branco, banana, limão tahiti e xarope de banana. / White rum, banana, lime and banana syrup.
R$ 42,00Vodka, fruta, xarope de açúcar e gelo. / Vodka, fruit, sugar syrup and ice.
R$ 38,00Vodka, fruta, xarope de açúcar e gelo. / Vodka, fruit, sugar syrup and ice.
R$ 56,00Cachaça, fruta, xarope de açúcar e gelo. / Cachaça, fruit, sugar syrup and ice.
R$ 32,00Suco de maracujá, xarope de baunilha e soda de água de coco. / Passion fruit juice, vanilla syrup and coconut water soda.
R$ 28,00Hortelã, limão tahiti, xarope de hortelã e soda de água de coco. / Mint, lime, mint syrup and coconut water soda.
R$ 28,00Suco de cranberry, infusão de hibisco , limão tahiti e xarope simples. / Cranberry juice, hibiscus infusion, lime and simple syrup.
R$ 28,00Morango, suco de abacaxi, leite condensado. / Strawberry, pineapple juice, condensed milk.
R$ 27,00Suco de abacaxi, leite de coco, leite condensado e coco ralado. / Pineapple juice, coconut milk, condensed milk and grated coconut.
R$ 30,00Licor 43, café expresso e gelo /Liquor 43, espresso and ice
R$ 62,00Gin, limão siciliano, xarope de açúcar e angostura bitter. / Gin, lemon, simple syrup and angostura bitter.
R$ 55,00Cachaça mixed with lemon and sugar
R$ 30,00Morango, Kiwi, Maracujá, Cajá, Siriguela e Abacaxi. / Strawberry, Kiwi, Passion Fruit, Cajá, Siriguela and Pineapple.
R$ 37,00Vodka nacional, limão, xarope simples e gelo. / National vodka, lemon, simple syrup and ice.
R$ 39,00Morango, Kiwi, Maracujá, Cajá, Siriguela e Abacaxi. / Strawberry, Kiwi, Passion Fruit, Cajá, Siriguela and Pineapple.
R$ 41,00Vodka importada, limão, xarope simples e gelo. /Imported vodka, lime, simple syrup and ice.
R$ 48,00Morango, Kiwi, Maracujá, Cajá, Siriguela e Abacaxi. / Strawberry, Kiwi, Passion Fruit, Cajá, Siriguela and Pineapple.
R$ 50,00Vodka importada, limão, xarope simples e gelo. /Imported vodka, lime, simple syrup and ice.
R$ 59,00Morango, Kiwi, Maracujá, Cajá, Siriguela e Abacaxi. / Strawberry, Kiwi, Passion Fruit, Cajá, Siriguela and Pineapple.
R$ 73,00Run Bacardi, suco de abacaxi, leite de coco e leite condensado. / Bacardi Run, pineapple juice, coconut milk and condensed milk
R$ 50,00Aperol, Espumante, água com gás e laranja bahia. / Aperol, Sparkling Wine, sparkling water and orange
R$ 55,00Frutas em calda, maçã nacional, kiwi, morango e vinho branco. / Fruits in syrup, apple, kiwi, strawberry and white wine.
R$ 175,00Sakê, açúcar e fruta / Sake, sugar and fruit
R$ 33,00Tequila, triple sec e limão tahiti. Tequila, triple sec and lime.
R$ 52,00Vodka nacional, xarope de gengibre, limão tahiti e espuma de gengibre / National Vodka, ginger syrup, lime and ginger foam
R$ 45,00Gim, Campari, Vermute Rosso e Laranja / Gin, Campari, Vermouth Rosso and Orange
R$ 52,00Cereja, xarope de groselha, suco de laranja e Tequila / Cherry, gooseberry syrup, orange juice and Tequila
R$ 52,00Água Tônica, Gin e gelo / Tonic water, Tanqueray Gin and ice
R$ 55,00Run Bacardi, hortelã, limão tahiti e água com gás / Bacardi Run, mint, lime and sparkling water
R$ 39,00Vodka, suco de limão, suco de cranberry e licor de laranja / Vodka, lime juice, cranberry juice and orange liquor
R$ 49,00Perrier Mineral Water
R$ 28,00Sabores: Laranja, Acerola, Maracujá, Abacaxi, Cajá, Melancia, Limão ou Manga Flavors: Orange, Acerola, Passion Fruitt, Pineapple, cajá, Watermelon, Lime or Mango
R$ 16,00Sabores: Laranja,Acerola, Maracujá, Abacaxi, Cajá, Melancia, Limão ou Manga Flavors: Orange, Acerola, Passion Fruitt, Pineapple, cajá, Watermelon, Lime or Mango
R$ 26,00Kiwi, Strawberry or Juice (300ml Cup)
R$ 20,00Kiwi, Strawberry or Juice (500ml Jar)
R$ 35,00